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Meet Lynda

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I was interested in astrology ever since I was a little girl. I recall lying awake in the dark at night wondering, like a prayer, about the signs and the planets and what it all meant. I can still sense the awe and excitement that engulfed me.

I sincerely believe its more true that Astrology found me verses me finding astrology. As I began reading everything I could find, including Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs, I noticed I easily grasped and understood the meaning as if it arose as old knowledge surfacing into my awareness. My deepest sense is, it was shown to me as my path of service to the greater good.

For many years, I continued my quest and thirst for knowledge, however, I kept having the feeling something was missing.  It was as if their was more to the true essence of the science.

It was during my first Saturn return at age 28, my world felt like it was falling apart. I had two beautiful children and an unhealthy marriage. I knew enough about astrology to realize Saturn was endeavoring to teach me a lesson..but what was it? I recall the amount of despair and yearning to seek the truth of what it was I supposed to learn.

I began a search for a teacher while every day asking for answers. My search brought me to a bookstore and as I was looking through new astrology books, a card fell out of one of the books, with the contact information for an astrology teacher. I immediately went to a phone and asked when we could begin.  Interestingly  enough, she mentioned she had no idea how her card landed in a book in a book store she never frequented, yet, agreed to meet with me the very next day. ( A wink form the universe for sure!)  After she listened to me, she directed me to a different teacher, who she felt was more in alignment with what I was searching for.  As it turns out, this teacher she recommended  was giving a lecture the next evening and I was there front and center.

At the end of her lecture, on the planet Jupiter, my heart leaped with joy as I realized my prayers were answered and I found what I was searching for in terms of the true essence of Astrology. I introduced myself and I registered for her basic classes. Although,  I had self studied for years, I somehow knew what she was going to offer me was going to be extraordinary and rare.

And I was right! This teacher held a Ph.D in psychology and she used Astrology as a tool to counsel, from her perspective, it was the best psychological tool available.  Learning astrology from this master was the beginning of a inner journey of transformation and Self awareness on so many different levels. I can openly state I was truly transformed. Understanding this divine science fueled me with the awareness I needed to make conscious choices in my life and learn what I most need to learn. To this day, it continues to support me in the blossoming of my Becoming.  I truly feel blessed, as it is a privilege and honor to counsel people and offer astrology classes as a tool for Self-Awarness.

With a Deep Bow of Gratitude for Jan Brink, Ph.D, my teacher, mentor, my inspiration, my friend.I AM that I AM

Bio~Lynda Lee Aldorisio  has studied, counseled and taught Psycho-Spiritual Astrology for more than 25 years.  Lynda has successfully completed her Graduate Certification as a Conscious Relationship and Body-Mind Vibrance Life Coach with the The Hendricks Institute. A life-long meditator, Usui Reiki II and Re-Connection II Practitioner, she holds an aspiring commitment to share the richness of Conscious Living and Loving with others.

3 Comments Post a comment
  1. John Moore #

    What an amazing and inspiring story! Thank you for sharing it here!

    September 8, 2013
  2. Very interesting that at my Saturn return I was also in an unhealthy marriage and my world also started to fall apart. In those days I feared Saturn but nowadays realize that Saturn is the TEACHER and it is a great place to start readings to see what a person is currently being pressured to learn.

    October 31, 2013

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