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Outer Planets Pluto


The energy of Pluto invites transformation. It’s the process of death and rebirth, the Kundalini energy.

Pluto energy allows you to see what to let go of, it asks what you are holding onto or wish to control for emotional security, what don’t you want to look, what’s lurking beneath the surface?

The willingness to do the transformation required lets the light shine on the darkness. You recognize it’s not the thing, person or experience it is the attachment.

Pluto is an extremely powerful yet subtle energy, the revelation from the transformation is life changing.


Outer Planet Neptune


Outer Planet Neptune

Neptune’s is about synthesis, wholeness, merging, healing.

It functions beneath the surface, wants to dissolve barriers of separateness, to heal all the ways you feel separate from your spiritual nature. As long as you focus on differences or what you perceive as your own imperfections you will feel separate.

Neptune is the energy of unconditional love, the illusion is it depends on someone else. With true self love you will always feel connected.

This state of oneness is not outside of you, not an external search.

Neptune’s mantra is ~ I am Whole, I am Complete, I am One with everything


Outer Planet Uranus


Uranus is the Great Awakener, its mission is to break us out of patterns that keep us from being free. It’s the intuitive mind, receiving in all directions with a quality of revelation.

Uranus doesn’t fit the overall cultural patterns, it’s unconventional and deviates from the norm.

When Uranus’s energy is operating in your life to instill change, we don’t always realize we are actually initiating the sudden burst, it’s not outside of ourselves we are drawing the change to us always for our highest good.

Outer Planets ~Saturn


Saturn, ruler of the 10th house of career, authority, and sign of Capricorn is getting in touch with your duty your dharma for the work you came here to do; not just for our own personal evolution work but the dharma for the evolution of humanity.

It is understanding this responsibility, we are all part of the whole, things we do effect each other, our actions ripple out globally.

Wherever Saturn is in our charts, the energy brings karmic inferences to surface by our experiences or triggered by others. Saturn puts the pattern in form so we may get in alignment and work consciously with it.

Saturn in relationship to authority, at its highest vibration, is asking us to know the true authority is sourced from within.

Outer Planets Jupiter


I thought I would give a brief overview of the Outer Planets. I strongly focus on these planets in my astrological consultations since they are considered the Spiritual energies.

Let’s begin with Jupiter

Jupiter ~ The Inner Source of Light

Where ever it is functioning it’s to give us inner knowledge and enlightenment, to experience grace in the energy of the sign it is in. Jupiter’s quest is for us to know ourselves as this Higher Self, this all pervasive Consciousness, by connecting the earth experience with soul experience.

I often refer to Jupiter as the Guru energy, the spiritual master that takes us out of darkness into light. To shed light on dark places we have trouble with, this is the function of divine grace.

Jupiter wants to Leads you out of false identifications, it’s asking us to experience our spiritual self.

It represents our inner witness, our witnessing consciousness, our higher consciousness

Jupiter’s energy opens you up makes you excited and eager

It’s says I know truth comes from my own experiences, this truth is all contained within.

The Mutable Signs

thThis week we will look at brief descriptions of the Mutable Signs ~

The Mutable or learning/dispersing/destroyer sign are characterized as a trait of changeable behavior, adaptable, flexible, easily grasps new methods of learning and a wide vision.

Gemini as mutable air demonstrates changeability through a constant change of mind and ideas and is always on the move.

Virgo as mutable earth is practical and seeks to find work in the service field in order to express its various multi tasking skills.

Sagittarius as mutable fire is on a quest of adventures to continuously enrich and broaden its knowledge and experience of the essence self either through travel, philosophy, religion, or a spiritual path

Pisces as mutable water consistently endeavors to adapts itself through its own ever changing realm of feelings and through the changeable moods and feelings of others.

As you examine the mutable signs in your chart, what do you recognize about yourself and adaptability?

Comments welcomed below

Lynda Lee

The Fixed Signs

998418_10151593477231647_442415292_nThis week we will look at brief descriptions of the Fixed Signs ~

The Fixed or sustaining signs are characterized as willful, persevering, determined to maintain their position, consistent, and resistant.

Taurus as fixed earth is stable, persevering and determined to hold onto its material possessions.

Leo as fixed fire demonstrates a proud and powerful strength of purpose in its creative self-expression.

Scorpio as fixed water seeks emotional control through feelings and ideas in itself and in others.

Aquarius as fixed air is loyal and reliable in friendships and strongly maintains opinions.

How many of the fixed signs characteristics do you have?

Comments welcomed below

Lynda Lee

The Cardinal Signs

Earth-at-Night-From-SpaceThis week we will begin with a brief description of the Cardinal Signs ~

The Cardinal or creative signs are characterized as active, self-motivated, ambitious, they generate and initiate.

Aires as fire and identity initiates by its will to enterprise and project itself into the world.

Cancer as water and the feeling nature seeks to create and motivate activity through emotional needs.

Libra as air and communication seeks to join people and inspire social interaction.

Capricorn as earth and practicality generates accomplishment and motivates leadership.

What, where and how many Cardinal signs are you in chart and what can you discover about yourself?

Comments most welcomed here.

Lynda Lee

The Quadruplicities in Astrology

28dfec591cfb919789ef0b83845b6f44The Quadruplicities in Astrology

Quadruplicities are a representation of the three basic qualities in all of life: Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer.

We find this trilogy reflected in some religions: The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost or Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva also in the symbolism of the Celtic Trinity.

In Astrology they correlate as qualities with in a grouping of the signs using the terms:Cardinal Fixed and Mutable also described as Action, Security and Learning.

The Cardinal Signs (Creative): Aires, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn and refer to action and initiative.

The Fixed signs (Sustainer): Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius  and refer to security, and consolidated learning.

The Mutable signs (Destroyer): Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces  and refer to the evaluation of learning, the letting go and transitioning into the creative again.

You will notice each category of qualities contains one of the four elements.

The Quadruplicity also refers to house positions using the terms : Angular Succedent and Cadent.

Angular Houses correspond to the main angles or “where or how we begin” and houses one, four, seven and ten.  The Creator

Succedent Houses correspond to the “attaining, consolidating, succeeding” and houses two, five, eight and eleven.  The Sustainer

Cadent Houses correspond to “ coming to the end, resolution, to disperse and the houses three, six, nine and twelve. The Destroyer

Where are the Cardinal signs your in chart and what can you discover about yourself?

Comments most welcomed here.

Lynda Lee


The Triplicity of the Water Signs

water pic for blogWater Signs

Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

The Water signs relate to our feeling world, our emotional, psychic body and astral plane.

Water carries our karmic impressions and are an important source of information.

Its the element of the Emotional Body.

This weeks blog features the Water Sign Triplicity in the natural order of:

Personal, Interpersonal and The Universal; Collective Consciousness.

The water sign of Cancer as the personal: is connected to the home, family, the mother, our roots, learning about sensitivity and at the deepest level our Soul. Cancers quest is the ability to develop and source our sense of safety and nurturing from within, to find home knowing that we are home where ever we go.

The water sign of Scorpio as in the interpersonal; Scorpio relates to the process of death, rebirth, sexuality, shared resources, and transformation. Scorpio is the letting go of the attachments to whatever we are holding onto outside of ourselves for emotional security. The transformation from I desire to I create.

The water sign of Pisces as the Universal, Collective Consciousness; Pisces is synthesis, wholeness, oneness, unity consciousness, the faith doubt dimension and psychological healing. The highest evolution of Pisces is the recognition of our wholeness, to dissolve the illusion of separateness, to love ourselves unconditionally.

The Water Triplicity portends to cycle of evolution in our emotional life.

What is your relationship like to your emotional world?

You comments are most welcome below.

Lynda Lee