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Posts from the ‘Gemini’ Category

The Mutable Signs

thThis week we will look at brief descriptions of the Mutable Signs ~

The Mutable or learning/dispersing/destroyer sign are characterized as a trait of changeable behavior, adaptable, flexible, easily grasps new methods of learning and a wide vision.

Gemini as mutable air demonstrates changeability through a constant change of mind and ideas and is always on the move.

Virgo as mutable earth is practical and seeks to find work in the service field in order to express its various multi tasking skills.

Sagittarius as mutable fire is on a quest of adventures to continuously enrich and broaden its knowledge and experience of the essence self either through travel, philosophy, religion, or a spiritual path

Pisces as mutable water consistently endeavors to adapts itself through its own ever changing realm of feelings and through the changeable moods and feelings of others.

As you examine the mutable signs in your chart, what do you recognize about yourself and adaptability?

Comments welcomed below

Lynda Lee

The Quadruplicities in Astrology

28dfec591cfb919789ef0b83845b6f44The Quadruplicities in Astrology

Quadruplicities are a representation of the three basic qualities in all of life: Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer.

We find this trilogy reflected in some religions: The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost or Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva also in the symbolism of the Celtic Trinity.

In Astrology they correlate as qualities with in a grouping of the signs using the terms:Cardinal Fixed and Mutable also described as Action, Security and Learning.

The Cardinal Signs (Creative): Aires, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn and refer to action and initiative.

The Fixed signs (Sustainer): Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius  and refer to security, and consolidated learning.

The Mutable signs (Destroyer): Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces  and refer to the evaluation of learning, the letting go and transitioning into the creative again.

You will notice each category of qualities contains one of the four elements.

The Quadruplicity also refers to house positions using the terms : Angular Succedent and Cadent.

Angular Houses correspond to the main angles or “where or how we begin” and houses one, four, seven and ten.  The Creator

Succedent Houses correspond to the “attaining, consolidating, succeeding” and houses two, five, eight and eleven.  The Sustainer

Cadent Houses correspond to “ coming to the end, resolution, to disperse and the houses three, six, nine and twelve. The Destroyer

Where are the Cardinal signs your in chart and what can you discover about yourself?

Comments most welcomed here.

Lynda Lee


The Triplicity of the Air Signs

580521_520552954684824_68212946_nAir Signs

Air ~ Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Air relates to the mental realm, the intellect, communication, balance and relationships.

Its the element of the Mental Body.

This weeks blog features the Air Sign Triplicity in the natural order of:

Personal, Interpersonal and The Universal; Collective Consciousness.

The Air sign of Gemini as the personal; Gemini’s learning relates to understanding communication has 2 parts, its active and receptive and balancing both listening and speaking is essential. The essence of what Gemini really craves is connection. In order to create connection Gemini is required first to develop a inner communication  and then be willing to share themselves deeply.

The Air sign of Libra as the interpersonal; Libra’s central learnings concern the union idea or we consciousness. The issues are around projection; learning to see others objectively as they truly are and not to withhold feelings or significant communication in fear of creating inharmonious situations. Libra’s goal of intimacy and connection is through the willingness to communicate authentically.

The Air sign of Aquarius as the Collective Consciousness; Aquarius learning is to accept  differences in relationships and by doing this, it doesn’t  requires conformity or a loss of individuality.  Aquarius connection is for the brotherhood of man, with a representation of equality.  The essence of Aquarius understands the evolution of our growing consciousness requires we be connected with everyone.

This is the Air triplicity we cycle through as we grown in awareness in the realm of our communication, relationships and connections.

What is your communication style?

Comments are most welcomed

Lynda Lee

The Signs and The Elements


Did you know that each of the 12 signs corresponds to either the element of Fire, Earth, Air or Water and there is a significance to the meaning that correlates with the element?

There are 3 signs that belong to each one of the elements, each creating its own trinity of learning.

Fire ~ Aires, Leo, Sagittarius
Fire relates to identity, will, spirit.
Its the element of the Spiritual body 
Earth ~ Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn 
Earth relates to the material world and perceptions through the physical senses, and
the relationship to possessions. 
Its the element of the Material body. 
Air ~ Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Air relates to the mental realm, the intellect, communication and relationships.
Its the element of the Mental Body 
Water ~ Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Water relates to our emotions, and carries our karmic impressions, putting us in touch with our emotions as an important source of information
Its the element of the Emotional/Psychic body

Over the next few weeks, I plan to blog more specifically on the individual elements as a way to learn more about the trinity of signs and how it operates in your chart.

For now, as an fun exploratory exercise; add up number of fire, earth, air or water signs and see what you discover about yourself.

Please feel free to share below, I look forward to you comments.

Lynda Lee